Social Media Policy
This policy was adopted by the Association on 5th November 2022
2) DCBBA’s use of social media
3) Principles
4) Guidelines
5) DCBBA’s duty to its members
1) Introduction
Social media is the term commonly given to websites and online tools which allow users to interact with each other in some way – by sharing information, opinions, knowledge, and interests. Social media involves building communities or networks, encouraging participation and engagement. Social media encompasses Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, podcasts, emails, texts etc. The growing popularity of social media has attracted the attention of organisations and individuals as these platforms can open new opportunities for communication. The opportunities are indeed there and Durham County Brass Band Association (DCBBA) itself utilises social media as a means of communication and to promote the organisation. However, as well as the opportunities there can be pitfalls for example, where inappropriate comments or images are posted that cause offence or more seriously bring claims of defamation and libel. The following guidelines are there to provide you with information to make responsible decisions and to get the best out of the tools available.
2) DCBBA’s use of social media
a) Website: DCBBA has a website which has content such as news and photos that we encourage members to view and share with friends and family.
b) Facebook page: We also have a Facebook page for publicising DCBBA news and events to as wide and public an audience as possible. Again, we would encourage members who use Facebook to ‘like’ the page and ‘share’ content with as many other Facebook users as possible to spread the word about how great DCBBA is.
c) YouTube page: DCBBA has a personalised Youtube page entitled ‘DCBBA Channel’ where the public can listen to clips of performances from member bands past and present.
NB: All of the above do not allow content to be added to them other than by a limited number of authorised users and therefore carry a minimal risk of content being inappropriate.
d) Spond group DCBBA also uses Spond as a means of communication to association band delegates which is does under the “DCBBA” Spond group facility. This is a closed group meaning participants need to be invited to join the group in order to gain access to these communications and to make postings or comments.
e) Emails and Texts: Emailing is the key method of electronic communication between, primarily the band delegates and DCBBA officials. Occasionally texts may also be used as a means of communication particularly if out at an event. As emails in particular can have a habit of unintentionally being forwarded to unintended recipients due regard should be given when using email. Particular care should be taken if you need to communicate anything that may be of a sensitive or private nature. If you do receive an email that contains content of sensitive or private nature that is clearly not intended for you please do the respectful thing and delete it immediately unless you consider it to be a matter of serious concern in which case please raise this privately with the DCBBA Chairperson or another appropriate member of the committee.
3) Principles
These principles apply to your participation in the social media used by DCBBA and any other social media you use in your own private capacity in the context of you being a member of Durham County Brass Band Association (DCBBA) and set out the standard of behaviour expected in representing DCBBA. You should participate in the use of social media in the same way as you would with other media or public forums such as giving public presentations or speaking at public events. We encourage positive representation and promotion of DCBBA and therefore welcome members with building upon this through use of social networking websites. You are representing DCBBA and we trust you to act accordingly.
4) Guidelines
Information published online can be accessed around the world within seconds and will be publicly available for all to see. Even information that was originally only intended to be seen by a select number of recipients has the potential to be shared, re-quoted or reposted including on other social networking sites. Comments on social media can remain in the public domain for a considerable length of time.
As a member of DCBBA you MUST consider the following when using social media.
- You must ensure that your social media activities do not cause offense/harm to DCBBA or any of its members.
- Any photo’s or posts that you wish to add to the DCBBA Facebook group will need to be authorised by one of the administrators first.
- Videos from DCBBA events are to be used on social media in accordance with DCBBA constitution point 8c.
- Social media should be used for positive comments about DCBBA, please do not get into discussions about problems other bands are having, issues with individuals in other bands, contest results, adjudications or anything that could be detrimental to DCBBA.
- If asked by the DCBBA Committee you should remove any posts that they consider to be inappropriate or they deem to be harmful to the reputation of DCBBA. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action.
- Enjoy social media, it is a great way to spread the news about the wonderful organisation we all belong to.
5) DCBBA’s duty to its members
If you have been adversely affected by comments or images that have appeared on any forms of social media in connection with your membership of DCBBA or you are concerned that comments or images on any forms of social media cause offence/harm to DCBBA or any of its members then please raise this with the DCBBA chairperson or another appropriate member of the DCBBA committee at the earliest opportunity. We will endeavour to rectify the situation. If you have a requirement or preference that your image or name is not used in social media utilised by DCBBA please advise the DCBBA chairperson or another appropriate member of the DCBBA committee so that due regard can be taken of your wishes